On Monday 27 November 2006 09:40, Will Stephenson wrote: > ~/.kde is not protected by default, but you can set KDEHOME, > KDETMP (default is /tmp/kde-$USER) and KDEVARTMP (default > /var/tmp/kde-$USER) elsewhere and run KDE4 apps in parallel with a *** Please define "elsewhere". > running KDE3 desktop.  When we start including KDE4 on the distro > it will be set up to work in parallel like this. I felt brave and tried to run KDE4, but got a dialog saying: Could not start D-Bus, Check your installation. After clicking [Okay], the Splash Screen showed up, but hung after showing "Loading the windowmanager", then it disappeared. From ~/.xsession-errors: /opt/kde4/bin/startkde: line 357: qdbus: command not found *** Where is qdbus? Cheers, Leen -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse+help@opensuse.org