> Hi, > > I want to add a header to each page which is not located within the > normal margins. Right now I use a seperate frame to solve the problem. > But that of course only works on the first page. Have you tried to anchor that frame to the header paragraph? You could also check existing letter templates on how they do it. Or the Autopilot might help, although I´ve never used it. I remember very vaguely that there was a discussion about extending the header (or footer) margins, some time ago. I think it even resulted in an Request for Enhancement, so a search might result into something. Guido -- NEU FÜR ALLE - GMX MediaCenter - für Fotos, Musik, Dateien... Fotoalbum, File Sharing, MMS, Multimedia-Gruß, GMX FotoService Jetzt kostenlos anmelden unter http://www.gmx.net +++ GMX - die erste Adresse für Mail, Message, More! +++