Well, unfortunately, anything webbased won't suit the needs I was more aiming to get with this.. I was kind of aiming for the same thing as open office -- with a smaller download size, that can be stuffed onto a laptop or other computer where you want to be able to use open office without having to load all of the features, etc, and being able to take it anywhere with you. Having the sxw format in other programs would be great, but I don't like programs like AbiWord, for example. AbiWord has too many features for what I would be wanting to do with it, basically. This isn't so much as reinventing the wheel then it is stripping the race car down to a street car. It would not require rewriting the base code. It would use the same base code as OOo does right now, but it would simply strip out the features like spreadsheets, spell check, the bibliography database, stylists, and all of those other buttons that sometimes just get in the way of just writing. OOo Lite wouldn't just be there to convert files, though it would be extremely useful to do so. It would be there when you don't want to deal with all of the extras, but you want the same feel and the same reliability of the OOo project. It would be there when linux or Mac users need to read a pesky .doc and they don't want to use the full fledged suite to read it. It is basically turning Word into Word Pad, except Open Office into Open Office Lite. As an ex-windows user, I used to use Word Pad when I just didn't want to deal with all of the features, and Word when I wanted to spell check, do advanced formatting and the likes. Take Kazaa and Kazaa Lite, for example (Albiet it is a bad one.) These two programs do the exact same thing, except some things have been stripped out/removed from the one. People use either one or the other dependant on their needs. OOo and OOo Lite would be the same thing -- dependant on needs so it *can* cater to others. Granted, it would not be released as often as other OOo candidates, basically one Lite version per RC/Finished version, but I think it could be done. Example: Taking 1.0, and making a Lite version of the most stable version of that, taking 1.1 and making one Lite version, etc. As the code is written in a way where chunks could be isolated and removed with ease, a few dedicated people could handle the job if they worked together well. I personally think it would benefit the community because of the fact that it worked with MS. A lot of people like and use Word Pad because of the fact it is more stable than Word and quicker because a lot of the features with the buds have been cut out. (And I'm not saying that OOo is anywhere near as buggy as M$.) Becca Alexandro Colorado wrote: > I got a similar idea, there are other 'cousin' proyects to this one as > the one to create web-OpenOffice. However on a second thought I was > actually aproaching the implementation of the sxw format on other > applications like AbiWord, siag Office and Gnumerics, TED, ABS. This > will make the standarization of file format within the OpenSource > community simpler and will also have options for decentrelized app > development. > > I think that opensource has a paradigm in which too many projects > 'reinvent the wheel' and merging or just conecting this proyect will > make it easier for everyone. > > This will make it easy for > >> >> >> > > >