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List:       oisf-users
Subject:    Re: [Oisf-users] Suricata under libvirt
From:       Chris Boley <ilgtech75 () gmail ! com>
Date:       2016-05-31 13:08:13
Message-ID: CAPJDwRgJn=FGbCgu+pYRCNMFVoTW1w8FOB3vyu_wbeVUKEMHmw () mail ! gmail ! com
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[Attachment #2 (multipart/alternative)]

sorry, missed something:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=full
/home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2 64G

should read like this:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata
/home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2 64G

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Chris Boley <ilgtech75@gmail.com> wrote:

> Andreas, this is lengthy sorry, I tried to include useful detail but,
> unfortunately I ramble on a lot:
> I had this idea because I wanted to be able to have two or 3 working
> Suricata test OS's for experimenting with things in the YAML and
> other configs. This allows me to set up multiple VM's with varying configs
> and find out what works and what doesn't.
> That's why I did it.
> My basic setup.
> I had 4 ethernet adapters installed in a dell 2970 with latest bios, 2 - 6
> Core opterons running at 2.6 ghz, and 32 gigs of RAM.
> Why 4 nics? 1. host interface 2. VM Mgmt. Interface 3. Bridge-side A 4.
> Bridge-Side B.
> If your physical host interfaces are like em1 em2 or whatever in Ubuntu
> edit /etc/default/grub
> find these two lines:
> modify to look like
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash quiet biosdevname=0"
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="biosdevname=0"
> sudo update-grub
> Modify your operational host interface in /etc/network/interfaces file to
> reflect eth0 instead of whatever it was named before.
> If you don't, you'll find yourself without a working interface.
> then reboot
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **macvtap with passthrough must have a dedicated physical interface to tie
> itself to.
> You've got to create a specialized network configuration within the
> libvirt setup.
> ** Caveats** You need to have hardware and BIOS platform that supports
> How do you figure that out? Do the homework. Or simply experiment. I just
> tried building the VM initially via virt-manager.
> It let me do it. Meaning, the toolkit detected the right resources to
> accomplish building the parameters I gave it.
> When I looked up SR-IOV capabilities online through DELL, I didn't see
> where it was supported but I tried it anyway and it worked.
> If it doesn't libvirt will just bark at you and tell you that you can't do
> that. Here's a good link to explain SR-IOV:
> http://blog.scottlowe.org/2009/12/02/what-is-sr-iov/
> ---A note about command line versus CLI installs
> For those of you who are adamant about staying on ssh cli access only with
> the host;
> this script below will startup a virtual machine net install for ubuntu
> 14.04 64 bit in your terminal with full hardware acceleration.
> The machine will initially have a NAT based virtual network interface, 16
> gig of ram and 8 vcpu's.
> You'll be dealing with a qcow2 based harddisk file which doesn't offer the
> best performance.
> but I like it because of being able to snapshot. Look up libvirt snapshot
> + qcow2 and you'll find some good articles on snappshotting.
> I'm not going to write a book here.  :)
> I toyed with setting up the interfaces right from this install script. In
> the end and 4 hours later, it ended up being
> more trouble than it was worth. I used virt-manager from a xwindows GUI in
> lieu of all the headache.
> Plus, there are adjustments you can make in virt-manager that I've never
> figured out how to do in virsh.
> My most sincere recommendation is to install a really lightweight window
> manager.
> I tend to install Lubuntu minimal desktop during my server install and add
> in some basics like leafpad but most importantly virt-manager.
> Use whatever desktop you want. Maybe blackbox or fluxbox would be a great
> choice as they use almost no resources.
> You'll find manipulating VM's with Virt manager is much easier.
> Moreover, you can tailor your cpu's settings more easily which is kind of
> important for Suricata.
> Alternatively, you can stick to the cli and modify the xml with 'virsh
> edit'. Beware that it uses 'vi' and is kind of a PITA.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  sudo apt-get -y install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils
> qemu-system       & virt-manager if you're going to install a GUI....
> qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=full
> /home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2 64G
> virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
> --name=IPSTEST \
> --ram 16384 \
> --disk
> path=/home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,size=64
>  \
> --vcpus=8 \
> --os-type linux \
> --os-variant ubuntutrusty \
> --network bridge=virbr0 \
> --check-cpu \
> --hvm \
> --location '
> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/' \
> --graphics none \
> --console pty,target_type=serial \
> --extra-args="console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial" \
> ***add ' --debug ' flag into that script if you want to see verbose output
> of what's going on.
> ---- for the second time you need to connect to the VM.-----
> The first time, based on the above settings, it will connect automatically.
> virsh start IPSTEST
> virsh console IPSTEST
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----for editing the machine xml if you want to stick to the CLI. ** This
> is an example** modify to fit your needs.
> Find the adapter and paste in the place of the original adapter segment,
> something that looks like this below.
> Obviously you need 3 adapters for the VM 2 for bridge and one for mgmt
> iface. Be mindful of slot numbers and alias naming nomenclature.
> Logically in the xml you'll find that most things like slot number
> increment. Just make sure you don't conflict with something else.
> You'll break the VM in that case. Make a backup before you edit. Eth1 in
> the case below will take the place of what used to be
> your virtual adapter that was natted from inside to outside the host. Now
> you've tied it to a physical interface. It will pull DHCP
> addresses from the physical network.
> <interface type='direct'>
> <mac address='52:54:00:67:7e:5d'/>
> <source dev='eth1' mode='passthrough'/>
> <target dev='macvtap0'/>
> <model type='virtio'/>
> <alias name='net0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02'
> function='0x0'/>
> </interface>
> <interface type='direct'>
> <mac address='52:54:00:67:7e:5d'/>
> <source dev='eth2' mode='passthrough'/>
> <target dev='macvtap0'/>
> <model type='virtio'/>
> <alias name='net1'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03'
> function='0x0'/>
> </interface>
> <interface type='direct'>
> <mac address='52:54:00:67:7e:5d'/>
> <source dev='eth2' mode='passthrough'/>
> <target dev='macvtap0'/>
> <model type='virtio'/>
> <alias name='net2'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04'
> function='0x0'/>
> </interface>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My full xml off my primary test machine looks like this:
> idsadmin@SRVCHSURICATA1:~$ virsh dumpxml CSNIPESNSR01
> <domain type='kvm' id='2'>
> <name>CSNIPESNSR01</name>
> <uuid>ec0d0563-aa0a-ef29-5f24-ba5ba1416b50</uuid>
> <memory unit='KiB'>16777216</memory>
> <currentMemory unit='KiB'>16777216</currentMemory>
> <vcpu placement='static'>8</vcpu>
> <resource>
> <partition>/machine</partition>
> </resource>
> <os>
> <type arch='i686' machine='pc-i440fx-trusty'>hvm</type>
> <boot dev='hd'/>
> </os>
> <features>
> <acpi/>
> <apic/>
> <pae/>
> </features>
> <cpu mode='custom' match='exact'>
> <model fallback='allow'>Opteron_G3</model>
> <vendor>AMD</vendor>
> <feature policy='require' name='skinit'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='vme'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='mmxext'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='fxsr_opt'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='cr8legacy'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='ht'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='3dnowprefetch'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='3dnowext'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='wdt'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='extapic'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='pdpe1gb'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='osvw'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='ibs'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='cmp_legacy'/>
> <feature policy='require' name='3dnow'/>
> </cpu>
> <clock offset='utc'/>
> <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>
> <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>
> <on_crash>restart</on_crash>
> <devices>
> <emulator>/usr/bin/kvm-spice</emulator>
> <disk type='file' device='disk'>
> <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>
> <source file='/home/idsadmin/CSNIPE/snipedrive.qcow2'/>
> <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
> <serial>1</serial>
> <alias name='virtio-disk0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05'
> function='0x0'/>
> </disk>
> <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
> <target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/>
> <readonly/>
> <alias name='ide0-1-0'/>
> <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='1' target='0' unit='0'/>
> </disk>
> <controller type='usb' index='0'>
> <alias name='usb0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01'
> function='0x2'/>
> </controller>
> <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'>
> <alias name='pci.0'/>
> </controller>
> <controller type='ide' index='0'>
> <alias name='ide0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01'
> function='0x1'/>
> </controller>
> <interface type='direct'>
> <mac address='52:54:00:b1:16:c2'/>
> <source dev='eth3' mode='passthrough'/>
> <target dev='macvtap0'/>
> <model type='virtio'/>
> <alias name='net0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03'
> function='0x0'/>
> </interface>
> <interface type='direct'>
> <mac address='52:54:00:3e:db:eb'/>
> <source dev='eth0' mode='passthrough'/>
> <target dev='macvtap1'/>
> <model type='virtio'/>
> <alias name='net1'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07'
> function='0x0'/>
> </interface>
> <interface type='direct'>
> <mac address='52:54:00:1c:71:70'/>
> <source dev='eth1' mode='passthrough'/>
> <target dev='macvtap2'/>
> <model type='virtio'/>
> <alias name='net2'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x08'
> function='0x0'/>
> </interface>
> <serial type='pty'>
> <source path='/dev/pts/2'/>
> <target port='0'/>
> <alias name='serial0'/>
> </serial>
> <console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/2'>
> <source path='/dev/pts/2'/>
> <target type='serial' port='0'/>
> <alias name='serial0'/>
> </console>
> <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
> <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
> <graphics type='vnc' port='5900' autoport='yes' listen=''>
> <listen type='address' address=''/>
> </graphics>
> <sound model='ich6'>
> <alias name='sound0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04'
> function='0x0'/>
> </sound>
> <video>
> <model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>
> <alias name='video0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02'
> function='0x0'/>
> </video>
> <memballoon model='virtio'>
> <alias name='balloon0'/>
> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06'
> function='0x0'/>
> </memballoon>
> </devices>
> <seclabel type='dynamic' model='apparmor' relabel='yes'>
> <label>libvirt-ec0d0563-aa0a-ef29-5f24-ba5ba1416b50</label>
> <imagelabel>libvirt-ec0d0563-aa0a-ef29-5f24-ba5ba1416b50</imagelabel>
> </seclabel>
> </domain>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I set up my interfaces on the host like what's below here. I used my eth0
> and eth1 on the VM Bridge. Eth2 is my host interface.
> Eth3 is the 3rd interface on the VM dedicated to mgmt interface on the VM.
> This way you can SSH into the VM and manage it.
> The ' interfacetune' file listed there in the interfaces script is a page
> torn directly out of Peter Manev's Github page on how to
> tune interfaces best for Suricata use. (thanks again Peter. Your shared
> info is really awesome!) See what's in the script below.
> Physical Host interfaces file:
> # The loopback network interface
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eth2
> iface eth2 inet static
> address
> netmask
> gateway
> dns-nameservers
> auto eth3
> iface eth3 inet manual
> pre-up modprobe 8021q
> post-up ifconfig $IFACE up
> pre-down ifconfig $IFACE down
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet manual
> post-up ifconfig $IFACE up
> post-up ifconfig eth0 mtu 1520
> post-up /etc/network/if-up.d/interfacetune
> post-up ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off speed 1000 duplex full
> pre-down ifconfig $IFACE down
> auto eth1
> iface eth1 inet manual
> post-up ifconfig $IFACE up
> post-up ifconfig eth1 mtu 1520
> post-up /etc/network/if-up.d/interfacetune
> post-up ethtool -s eth1 autoneg off speed 1000 duplex full
> pre-down ifconfig $IFACE down
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> idsadmin@SRVCHSURICATA1:~$ sudo cat /etc/network/if-up.d/interfacetune
> /sbin/ethtool -G $IFACE rx 4096 >/dev/null 2>&1 ;
> for i in rx tx sg tso ufo gso gro lro rxvlan txvlan; do /sbin/ethtool -K
> $IFACE $i off >/dev/null 2>&1; done;
> /sbin/ethtool -N $IFACE rx-flow-hash udp4 sdfn >/dev/null 2>&1;
> /sbin/ethtool -N $IFACE rx-flow-hash udp6 sdfn >/dev/null 2>&1;
> /sbin/ethtool -C $IFACE rx-usecs 1 rx-frames 0 >/dev/null 2>&1;
> /sbin/ethtool -C $IFACE adaptive-rx off >/dev/null 2>&1;
> exit 0
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> idsadmin@SRVCHIPSSNSR01:~$ sudo cat /etc/network/interfaces
> [sudo] password for idsadmin:
> # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
> # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
> # The loopback network interface
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> # The primary network interface
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet static
> address
> netmask
> gateway
> dns-nameservers
> auto eth1
> iface eth1 inet manual
> pre-up modprobe 8021q
> post-up ifconfig $IFACE up
> post-up /etc/network/if-up.d/interfacetune
> pre-down ifconfig $IFACE down
> auto eth2
> iface eth2 inet manual
> post-up ifconfig $IFACE up
> post-up /etc/network/if-up.d/interfacetune
> pre-down ifconfig $IFACE down
> auto br0
> iface br0 inet static
> address
> netmask
> bridge_ports eth1 eth2
> bridge_stp off
> post-up ifconfig eth1 mtu 1520
> post-up ifconfig eth2 mtu 1520
> post-up ethtool -s eth2 autoneg off speed 1000 duplex full
> post-up ethtool -s eth1 autoneg off speed 1000 duplex full
> post-up /etc/network/if-up.d/interfacetune
> post-down brctl delbr br0
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ** Notes-- I was scanning a 1 gigabit trunk interface between a CISCO
> 3750G interface and a cisco 2911 ISR router with dot1q sub-interfaces.
> If anyone cares. CISCO devices get pissed when you inject a linux bridge
> in between it's CDP neighbor.
> On your cisco parent interface configs, a ' no cdp enable ' is prudent for
> the interfaces that are directly facing to the Linux bridge.
> No need to set up individual subinterfaces on the bridge. The 'pre-up
> modprobe 8021q' is all that's necessary to teach the bridge how
> to pass vlan tags correctly.
> And also hard code all speed and duplex settings or you're asking for a
> lot of frustration and duplexing errors.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Last but not least, I also had HSRP (hot standby router protocol) which
> uses multicast keepalives running between the router and the L3 switch.
> I used these IPTABLES rules to shove the traffice toward NFQUEUE on the VM:
> Compile suricata on the guest... Do it with NFQUEUE flags.. That's a whole
> different procedure in and of itself.
> If anyone decides to do this I'd love to see if it works in the VM with
> the directly copied attributes
> of the CPU within the VM and compile with hyperscan on an INTEL cpu set.
> I used Gen 3 OPTERONS in my rig so I couldn't utilize hyperscan.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  sudo iptables -I FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in eth1 -j NFQUEUE
> --queue-balance 0:7
> sudo iptables -I FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in eth2 -j NFQUEUE
> --queue-balance 0:7
> I started suricata like this:
> sudo suricata -q 0 -q 1 -q 2 -q 3 -q 4 -q 5 -q 6 -q 7 -c
> /homeidsadmin/suricata-3.0.1/suricata.yaml
> It works really well as far as I can tell. I'd post performance data too..
> but I can only generate traffic with a few end user nodes as I'm not
> running this in production. I'd like to see if anybody could post results
> of high utilization environments with a similiar setup.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 6:40 PM, Andreas Herz <andi@geekosphere.org>
> wrote:
> > On 19/05/16 at 19:12, Chris Boley wrote:
> > > I have been playing with using suricata ' inline ' using KVM/QEMU
> > > <http://libvirt.org/drvqemu.html> by way of the libvirt toolkit.
> > > I realize that the setups will vary wildly based on the hardware
> > platform
> > > capabilities. I'm wondering if anyone else here on the list could share
> > > with me any experiences they've had on the networking I/O side of things
> > > like tuning specifically for where it concerns suricata. For example,
> > how
> > > you have set up network configs on both the host systems and guest OS's
> > to
> > > get the best performance?
> > > I've already got a config that's working, I'm just not sure it's the
> > best
> > > way to go about it.
> > 
> > Can you share your config and experience?
> > 
> > > If anybody can let me know I'd be really interested in getting that
> > input.
> > > Hopefully this is an appropriate topic for the list.
> > 
> > Sure it is!
> > 
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > Chris
> > 
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Suricata IDS Users mailing list: oisf-users@openinfosecfoundation.org
> > > Site: http://suricata-ids.org | Support:
> > http://suricata-ids.org/support/
> > > List:
> > https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-users
> > > Suricata User Conference November 9-11 in Washington, DC:
> > http://oisfevents.net
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Andreas Herz
> > _______________________________________________
> > Suricata IDS Users mailing list: oisf-users@openinfosecfoundation.org
> > Site: http://suricata-ids.org | Support: http://suricata-ids.org/support/
> > List: https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-users
> > Suricata User Conference November 9-11 in Washington, DC:
> > http://oisfevents.net

[Attachment #5 (text/html)]

<div dir="ltr">sorry, missed something:<br>This:<br>qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o \
preallocation=full /home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2 64G<br><div \
dir="ltr"><br></div><div>should read like this:<br></div>qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o \
preallocation=metadata /home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2 64G<br><br></div><div \
class="gmail_extra"><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 9:02 AM, \
Chris Boley <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a href="mailto:ilgtech75@gmail.com" \
target="_blank">ilgtech75@gmail.com</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote \
class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc \
solid;padding-left:1ex"><div dir="ltr">Andreas, this is lengthy sorry, I tried to \
include useful detail but, unfortunately I ramble on a lot:<br><br>I had this idea \
because I wanted to be able to have two or 3 working Suricata test OS&#39;s for \
experimenting with things in the YAML and<br>other configs. This allows me to set up \
multiple VM&#39;s with varying configs and find out what works and what \
doesn&#39;t.<br>That&#39;s why I did it.<br><br>My basic setup.<br>I had 4 ethernet \
adapters installed in a dell 2970 with latest bios, 2 - 6 Core opterons running at \
2.6 ghz, and 32 gigs of RAM.<br><br>Why 4 nics? 1. host interface 2. VM Mgmt. \
Interface 3. Bridge-side A 4. Bridge-Side B.<br><br><br>If your physical host \
interfaces are like em1 em2 or whatever in Ubuntu edit /etc/default/grub<br><br>find \
these two lines:<br>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=&quot;splash \
quiet&quot;<br>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=&quot;&quot;<br><br><br>modify to look \
like<br><br>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=&quot;splash quiet \
biosdevname=0&quot;<br>GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=&quot;biosdevname=0&quot;<br><br>sudo \
update-grub<br><br>Modify your operational host interface in /etc/network/interfaces \
file to reflect eth0 instead of whatever it was named before.<br>If you don&#39;t, \
you&#39;ll find yourself without a working interface.<br><br>then \
reboot<br><br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>**macvtap \
with passthrough must have a dedicated physical interface to tie itself \
to.<br><br><br>You&#39;ve got to create a specialized network configuration within \
the libvirt setup.<br>** Caveats** You need to have hardware and BIOS platform that \
supports SR-IOV.<br>How do you figure that out? Do the homework. Or simply \
experiment. I just tried building the VM initially via virt-manager.<br>It let me do \
it. Meaning, the toolkit detected the right resources to accomplish building the \
parameters I gave it.<br><br>When I looked up SR-IOV capabilities online through \
DELL, I didn&#39;t see where it was supported but I tried it anyway and it \
worked.<br>If it doesn&#39;t libvirt will just bark at you and tell you that you \
can&#39;t do that. Here&#39;s a good link to explain SR-IOV:<br><br><br><a \
href="http://blog.scottlowe.org/2009/12/02/what-is-sr-iov/" \
target="_blank">http://blog.scottlowe.org/2009/12/02/what-is-sr-iov/</a><br><br>---A \
note about command line versus CLI installs<br>For those of you who are adamant about \
staying on ssh cli access only with the host;<br>this script below will startup a \
virtual machine net install for ubuntu 14.04 64 bit in your terminal with full \
hardware acceleration. <br>The machine will initially have a NAT based virtual \
network interface, 16 gig of ram and 8 vcpu&#39;s.<br>You&#39;ll be dealing with a \
qcow2 based harddisk file which doesn&#39;t offer the best performance.<br>but I like \
it because of being able to snapshot. Look up libvirt snapshot + qcow2 and you&#39;ll \
find some good articles on snappshotting.<br>I&#39;m not going to write a book here.  \
:)<br><br>I toyed with setting up the interfaces right from this install script. In \
the end and 4 hours later, it ended up being<br>more trouble than it was worth. I \
used virt-manager from a xwindows GUI in lieu of all the headache.<br><br>Plus, there \
are adjustments you can make in virt-manager that I&#39;ve never figured out how to \
do in virsh. <br>My most sincere recommendation is to install a really lightweight \
window manager. <br>I tend to install Lubuntu minimal desktop during my server \
install and add in some basics like leafpad but most importantly virt-manager. \
<br>Use whatever desktop you want. Maybe blackbox or fluxbox would be a great choice \
as they use almost no resources. <br>You&#39;ll find manipulating VM&#39;s with Virt \
manager is much easier. <br>Moreover, you can tailor your cpu&#39;s settings more \
easily which is kind of important for Suricata.<br><br>Alternatively, you can stick \
to the cli and modify the xml with &#39;virsh edit&#39;. Beware that it uses \
&#39;vi&#39; and is kind of a \
PITA.<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>sudo \
apt-get -y install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils qemu-system             &amp; \
virt-manager if you&#39;re going to install a GUI....<br><br>qemu-img create -f qcow2 \
-o preallocation=full /home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2 64G<br><br>virt-install \
--connect=qemu:///system \<br>--name=IPSTEST \<br>--ram 16384 \<br>--disk \
path=/home/ipsadmin/vmimgs/virtdrive.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,size=64 \
\<br>--vcpus=8 \<br>--os-type linux \<br>--os-variant ubuntutrusty \<br>--network \
bridge=virbr0 \<br>--check-cpu \<br>--hvm \<br>--location &#39;<a \
href="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/" \
target="_blank">http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/</a>&#39; \
\<br>--graphics none \<br>--console pty,target_type=serial \
\<br>--extra-args=&quot;console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial&quot; \<br><br><br>***add &#39; \
--debug &#39; flag into that script if you want to see verbose output of what&#39;s \
going on.<br><br>---- for the second time you need to connect to the \
VM.-----<br><br>The first time, based on the above settings, it will connect \
automatically.<br><br>virsh start IPSTEST<br><br>virsh console \
IPSTEST<br><br><br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>----for \
editing the machine xml if you want to stick to the CLI. ** This is an example** \
modify to fit your needs.<br>Find the adapter and paste in the place of the original \
adapter segment, something that looks like this below.<br>Obviously you need 3 \
adapters for the VM 2 for bridge and one for mgmt iface. Be mindful of slot numbers \
and alias naming nomenclature.<br>Logically in the xml you&#39;ll find that most \
things like slot number increment. Just make sure you don&#39;t conflict with \
something else.<br>You&#39;ll break the VM in that case. Make a backup before you \
edit. Eth1 in the case below will take the place of what used to be<br><br>your \
virtual adapter that was natted from inside to outside the host. Now you&#39;ve tied \
it to a physical interface. It will pull DHCP<br><br>addresses from the physical \
network.<br><br><br>&lt;interface type=&#39;direct&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;mac \
address=&#39;52:54:00:67:7e:5d&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;source dev=&#39;eth1&#39; \
mode=&#39;passthrough&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;macvtap0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;model type=&#39;virtio&#39;/&gt;<br>    \
&lt;alias name=&#39;net0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x02&#39; \
function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/interface&gt;<br>&lt;interface \
type=&#39;direct&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;mac \
address=&#39;52:54:00:67:7e:5d&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;source dev=&#39;eth2&#39; \
mode=&#39;passthrough&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;macvtap0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;model type=&#39;virtio&#39;/&gt;<br>    \
&lt;alias name=&#39;net1&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x03&#39; \
function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/interface&gt;<br>&lt;interface \
type=&#39;direct&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;mac \
address=&#39;52:54:00:67:7e:5d&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;source dev=&#39;eth2&#39; \
mode=&#39;passthrough&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;macvtap0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;model type=&#39;virtio&#39;/&gt;<br>    \
&lt;alias name=&#39;net2&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x04&#39; \
function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       \
&lt;/interface&gt;<br>---------------------------------------------------------------- \
--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>My \
full xml off my primary test machine looks like \
this:<br><br>idsadmin@SRVCHSURICATA1:~$ virsh dumpxml CSNIPESNSR01<br>&lt;domain \
type=&#39;kvm&#39; id=&#39;2&#39;&gt;<br>   &lt;name&gt;CSNIPESNSR01&lt;/name&gt;<br> \
&lt;uuid&gt;ec0d0563-aa0a-ef29-5f24-ba5ba1416b50&lt;/uuid&gt;<br>   &lt;memory \
unit=&#39;KiB&#39;&gt;16777216&lt;/memory&gt;<br>   &lt;currentMemory \
unit=&#39;KiB&#39;&gt;16777216&lt;/currentMemory&gt;<br>   &lt;vcpu \
placement=&#39;static&#39;&gt;8&lt;/vcpu&gt;<br>   &lt;resource&gt;<br>       \
&lt;partition&gt;/machine&lt;/partition&gt;<br>   &lt;/resource&gt;<br>   \
&lt;os&gt;<br>       &lt;type arch=&#39;i686&#39; \
machine=&#39;pc-i440fx-trusty&#39;&gt;hvm&lt;/type&gt;<br>       &lt;boot \
dev=&#39;hd&#39;/&gt;<br>   &lt;/os&gt;<br>   &lt;features&gt;<br>       \
&lt;acpi/&gt;<br>       &lt;apic/&gt;<br>       &lt;pae/&gt;<br>   \
&lt;/features&gt;<br>   &lt;cpu mode=&#39;custom&#39; match=&#39;exact&#39;&gt;<br>   \
&lt;model fallback=&#39;allow&#39;&gt;Opteron_G3&lt;/model&gt;<br>       \
&lt;vendor&gt;AMD&lt;/vendor&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;skinit&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;vme&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;mmxext&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;fxsr_opt&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;cr8legacy&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;ht&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;3dnowprefetch&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;3dnowext&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;wdt&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;extapic&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;pdpe1gb&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;osvw&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;ibs&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;cmp_legacy&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;feature policy=&#39;require&#39; \
name=&#39;3dnow&#39;/&gt;<br>   &lt;/cpu&gt;<br>   &lt;clock \
offset=&#39;utc&#39;/&gt;<br>   &lt;on_poweroff&gt;destroy&lt;/on_poweroff&gt;<br>   \
&lt;on_reboot&gt;restart&lt;/on_reboot&gt;<br>   \
&lt;on_crash&gt;restart&lt;/on_crash&gt;<br>   &lt;devices&gt;<br>       \
&lt;emulator&gt;/usr/bin/kvm-spice&lt;/emulator&gt;<br>       &lt;disk \
type=&#39;file&#39; device=&#39;disk&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;driver \
name=&#39;qemu&#39; type=&#39;qcow2&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;source \
file=&#39;/home/idsadmin/CSNIPE/snipedrive.qcow2&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;vda&#39; bus=&#39;virtio&#39;/&gt;<br>           \
&lt;serial&gt;1&lt;/serial&gt;<br>           &lt;alias \
name=&#39;virtio-disk0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x05&#39; \
function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/disk&gt;<br>       &lt;disk \
type=&#39;file&#39; device=&#39;cdrom&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;driver \
name=&#39;qemu&#39; type=&#39;raw&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;hdc&#39; bus=&#39;ide&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;readonly/&gt;<br>          \
&lt;alias name=&#39;ide0-1-0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;drive&#39; \
controller=&#39;0&#39; bus=&#39;1&#39; target=&#39;0&#39; unit=&#39;0&#39;/&gt;<br>   \
&lt;/disk&gt;<br>       &lt;controller type=&#39;usb&#39; index=&#39;0&#39;&gt;<br>   \
&lt;alias name=&#39;usb0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x01&#39; \
function=&#39;0x2&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/controller&gt;<br>       &lt;controller \
type=&#39;pci&#39; index=&#39;0&#39; model=&#39;pci-root&#39;&gt;<br>           \
&lt;alias name=&#39;pci.0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/controller&gt;<br>       \
&lt;controller type=&#39;ide&#39; index=&#39;0&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;alias \
name=&#39;ide0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x01&#39; \
function=&#39;0x1&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/controller&gt;<br>       &lt;interface \
type=&#39;direct&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;mac \
address=&#39;52:54:00:b1:16:c2&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;source dev=&#39;eth3&#39; \
mode=&#39;passthrough&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;macvtap0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;model type=&#39;virtio&#39;/&gt;<br>    \
&lt;alias name=&#39;net0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x03&#39; \
function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/interface&gt;<br>       &lt;interface \
type=&#39;direct&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;mac \
address=&#39;52:54:00:3e:db:eb&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;source dev=&#39;eth0&#39; \
mode=&#39;passthrough&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;macvtap1&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;model type=&#39;virtio&#39;/&gt;<br>    \
&lt;alias name=&#39;net1&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x07&#39; \
function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/interface&gt;<br>       &lt;interface \
type=&#39;direct&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;mac \
address=&#39;52:54:00:1c:71:70&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;source dev=&#39;eth1&#39; \
mode=&#39;passthrough&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target \
dev=&#39;macvtap2&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;model type=&#39;virtio&#39;/&gt;<br>    \
&lt;alias name=&#39;net2&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; \
domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; slot=&#39;0x08&#39; \
function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/interface&gt;<br>       &lt;serial \
type=&#39;pty&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;source path=&#39;/dev/pts/2&#39;/&gt;<br>    \
&lt;target port=&#39;0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;alias \
name=&#39;serial0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/serial&gt;<br>       &lt;console \
type=&#39;pty&#39; tty=&#39;/dev/pts/2&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;source \
path=&#39;/dev/pts/2&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;target type=&#39;serial&#39; \
port=&#39;0&#39;/&gt;<br>           &lt;alias name=&#39;serial0&#39;/&gt;<br>       \
&lt;/console&gt;<br>       &lt;input type=&#39;mouse&#39; bus=&#39;ps2&#39;/&gt;<br>  \
&lt;input type=&#39;keyboard&#39; bus=&#39;ps2&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;graphics \
type=&#39;vnc&#39; port=&#39;5900&#39; autoport=&#39;yes&#39; \
listen=&#39;;&gt;<br>           &lt;listen type=&#39;address&#39; \
address=&#39;;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/graphics&gt;<br>       &lt;sound \
model=&#39;ich6&#39;&gt;<br>           &lt;alias name=&#39;sound0&#39;/&gt;<br>       \
&lt;address type=&#39;pci&#39; domain=&#39;0x0000&#39; bus=&#39;0x00&#39; \
slot=&#39;0x04&#39; function=&#39;0x0&#39;/&gt;<br>       &lt;/sound&gt;<br>       \
&gt; I have been playing with using suricata &#39; inline &#39; using KVM/QEMU<br>
</span>&gt; &lt;<a href="http://libvirt.org/drvqemu.html" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://libvirt.org/drvqemu.html</a>&gt; by way of the libvirt \
toolkit.<br> <span>&gt; I realize that the setups will vary wildly based on the \
hardware platform<br> &gt; capabilities. I&#39;m wondering if anyone else here on the \
list could share<br> &gt; with me any experiences they&#39;ve had on the networking \
I/O side of things<br> &gt; like tuning specifically for where it concerns suricata. \
For example, how<br> &gt; you have set up network configs on both the host systems \
and guest OS&#39;s to<br> &gt; get the best performance?<br>
&gt; I&#39;ve already got a config that&#39;s working, I&#39;m just not sure it&#39;s \
the best<br> &gt; way to go about it.<br>
</span>Can you share your config and experience?<br>
&gt;   If anybody can let me know I&#39;d be really interested in getting that \
input.<br> &gt; Hopefully this is an appropriate topic for the list.<br>
</span>Sure it is!<br>
&gt; Thanks in advance,<br>
&gt; Chris<br>
&gt; _______________________________________________<br>
&gt; Suricata IDS Users mailing list: <a \
href="mailto:oisf-users@openinfosecfoundation.org" \
target="_blank">oisf-users@openinfosecfoundation.org</a><br> &gt; Site: <a \
href="http://suricata-ids.org" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://suricata-ids.org</a> | Support: <a \
href="http://suricata-ids.org/support/" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://suricata-ids.org/support/</a><br> &gt; List: <a \
href="https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-users" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-users</a><br>
 &gt; Suricata User Conference November 9-11 in Washington, DC: <a \
href="http://oisfevents.net" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://oisfevents.net</a><br> <span><font color="#888888"><br>
Andreas Herz<br>
Suricata IDS Users mailing list: <a \
href="mailto:oisf-users@openinfosecfoundation.org" \
Site: <a href="http://suricata-ids.org" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://suricata-ids.org</a> | Support: <a \
href="http://suricata-ids.org/support/" rel="noreferrer" \
List: <a href="https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-users" \
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-users</a><br>
 Suricata User Conference November 9-11 in Washington, DC: <a \
href="http://oisfevents.net" rel="noreferrer" \
target="_blank">http://oisfevents.net</a></font></span></blockquote></div><br></div> \

[Attachment #6 (text/plain)]

Suricata IDS Users mailing list: oisf-users@openinfosecfoundation.org
Site: http://suricata-ids.org | Support: http://suricata-ids.org/support/
List: https://lists.openinfosecfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/oisf-users
Suricata User Conference November 9-11 in Washington, DC: http://oisfevents.net

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