Hi all,

I want to start some experiments with Nepomuk, and since I'm going to have a gnu-smalltalk based GUI I need first of all to make binding to Nepomuk. I have no previous experience in making bindings, but AFAIK there should be a library to which I bind to gain access to an API. Only I cannot seem to identify the library filename from the docs (I suppose i simply did not find it).

Moreover, pls conform that the API I will find is the one documented here: http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/nepomuk/html/index.html


Constitution du 24 juin 1793 - Article 35. - Quand le gouvernement viole les droits du peuple, l'insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion du peuple, le plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs.