From mysql-win32 Wed Aug 29 21:00:58 2001 From: Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 21:00:58 +0000 To: mysql-win32 Subject: Hello. X-MARC-Message: Hello, AS SEEN ON ABC's 20/20: Take a look at this and tell me what you think of this. I followed my gut and checked it out, and I'm glad I did. I made a conscious decision not to delete what I figured was just another BS junk mail. That decision has changed my life. You have the very same opportunity in front of you. If you take just five minutes to read through a money making program that could make a huge differencein your financial status. AS SEEN ON ABC's 20/20: The amazing story of a 15 yr. old boy who made over $70,000 on the internet with this program in a matter of weeks. It is the EASIEST HOME BUSINESS EVER. It's honest, it's not multi-level and best of all, IT'S SIMPLE. You won't be bugging your friends and family. A little time spent and only $25 invested and the program begins to work for itself. A 20/20 Investigation showed that it is possible to earn up to $500,000 with this program!! How many other programs can say theirs was proven in a national news investigation?? So I figured if a 15 year old boy could do it I sure the hell could, after all I was a street cop for a large southern metro city. I was right, this is the type of opportunity we all wish would come along to help with the bills. Since this program aired on National TV, thousands are joining every day. You will earn cash in a matter of days!!! Don't Miss Your Chance To be financially secure. This Is No Bull - It Really WORKS! THANKS TO THE COMPUTER AGE AND THE INTERNET! For more information, simply send an email to and put "more info" in the subject line or click on the following link (link does not contain ABC's 20/20 story). http://%33%34%39%39%37%31%37%36%35%35/%320%315%61%2E%68%74m%6C It can't hurt to take a look. You'll be glad you did. Sincerely, Lynn P.S. I am no longer a cop thanks to this program, and my wife sleeps better at night now too :) THIS IS NOT A SPAM! You are receiving this email either because you, or someone using your address has sent us an e-mail in the past; or you are our ezine subscriber; or on a list of marketers requesting information. If this is not the case, please accept our apology and reply to with "remove" in the subject field and we will remove your name immediately! We are a professional company and believe in ethical marketing practices. Any false accusations of spamming will be treated as slander towards our employees and company and will be treated as such; appropriate action may be taken dependent upon damages incurred. This is why we offer a remove option available for our subscribers to ensure no un-wanted mail is further received!! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Please check "" before posting. To request this thread, e-mail To unsubscribe, send a message to the address shown in the List-Unsubscribe header of this message. If you cannot see it, e-mail instead.