On Tuesday 20 May 2008, Gervase Markham wrote: > Right. I can see how we are getting the message out to sites about EV > adoption, but I'm concerned about how we are going to tell 150 million > people that they need to check identity when doing financial stuff. IMHO: Implementing a ready and easy to adopt, perhaps firefox only, security notice or security information box for sites, could be more than enough. I'm sure that many site developers would add a nice looking image link that would provide users with a popup javascript based box (or redirect them to a web page when javascript is not available) if they could find it ready (something like the "verysign identify protection" or the firefox logo). Including some information for IE too would only increase its possibility for success. No? _______________________________________________ dev-security mailing list dev-security@lists.mozilla.org https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-security