2011/4/7 Jorge Villaseņor <salinasv@gmail.com>
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:05 AM, David Mills <d.mills@guesny.net> wrote:
> Hello to everyone on the list.
> Just a small post to say that I've just finished a game of Starcraft 2 on
> evergreen using the r600g drivers and the game is enjoyable, not just
> playable (25fps down to 10 under 76-Zealot load).
> 2 years ago I'd never of thought that possible on open source drivers. Thank
> you to everyone who is working on mesa and gallium (Nvidia and Ati), you're
> making miracles.
> Regards
> David

Was this using wine?


[david@myhost ~]$ wine --version