Sometimes the ext3 partition i use to have mounted in /mnt/ext3 and the windows partition i use to have mounted in /mnt/windows during a session just appear unmouted. Whats more weird is that the ext3 partition appears mounted inside a chroot partition since in /etc/rc.local i add a line to mount this partition in chroot. This is what i have in rc.local: # mount chroot in x86 mychroot=/mnt/chroot mount -o bind /proc $mychroot/proc mount -o bind /mnt/ext3 $mychroot/mnt/ext3 linux32 chroot $mychroot /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start This is a very serious problem, and so far i still dont see whats triggering this. Does anyone knows whats happening? -- Zé Linux user #378762 MDE developer -