2010/10/7 Kira <elegant.pegasus@gmail.com>
在 Thu, 07 Oct 2010 13:29:25 +0800, Ahmad Samir <ahmadsamir3891@gmail.com>寫道:

No, konqueror is still useful as a file manager (some users don't like
dolphin for some  reason), also as a man pages viewer. Also it shares
some code with dolphin (some stuff/features don't work in dolphin if
konqueror isn't installed).

That part of code should be split as independent share package, isn't it?

Also, is it possible to use other browsers to do the same job? I think

Konqueror should only in the full task package set you install kde4 (task-kde4),

not in the core task package set (task-kde4-minimal).

For me, Konqueror is the main application in my system. file manager and browser. May be for others too

Dimitrios Glentadakis