I'll demonstrate with a specific case what I intend to do with wxWidgets. fityk, a nice (because it's Polish, duh) curve fitting tool, supports wxWidgets 2.8 up to 0.9.8. From 1.0.0 onwards, it needs wxWidgets >= 2.9.1. Here's what I want to do, illustrated with this case: 1. wxWidgets28 is the renamed current wxWidgets port, and tracks 2.8 wxWidgets releases. Note that this port won't have "replaces wxWidgets" in it! 2. wxWidgets is the renamed current wxWidgets-devel port, and tracks 2.9 releases This port will be marked "replaces wxWidgets-devel". wxWidgets-devel will come back for 2.10 or 3.0, and then the wxWidgets port will have to stop replacing wxWidgets-devel, of course. 3. fityk is renamed to fityk0 and made dependent on wxWidgets28; no functionality is changed 4. fityk0 is upgraded to 0.9.8 (latest version that supported wxWidgets 2.8) 5. fityk is a new port that tracks current fityk releases and depends on wxWidgets Existing users will see a seamless upgrade to the most recent wxWidgets and most recent fityk. *NEW* Users on Tiger need to manually install compatible fityk0, and that will automatically pull in wxWidgets28. This is IMHO a minor inconvenience. A single commit will have to implement #1 and #3, so that nothing gets broken by partial updates, even though I will of course submit it in separate patches. There's 17 ports that depend on current 2.8 wxWidgets, and 3 ports that depend on wxWidgets-devel. So #1 will be one patch and #3 will be 17 patches, all of them to relevant Portfiles, and will have to be applied in a single commit. For the 3 ports that depend on wxWidgets-devel, there will be one new Portfile and 3 patches to existing portfiles -- again, to be applied in a single commit. I'd like a go ahead before I start working on this. Please comment on this plan! It's important to move ahead, IMHO, to stop having dirty per-port hacks that detect xcode versions and other jazz like that. That's what was recently planned for pgAdmin3 and would have been a mess, since pgAdmin3 is not the only port in such a predicament! Cheers, Kuba _______________________________________________ macports-dev mailing list macports-dev@lists.macosforge.org http://lists.macosforge.org/mailman/listinfo/macports-dev