--00504502b4439957b8047924578e Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Dear Charles, I was trying to reply your message, but it didn't work, so I generate this new thread. Thank you for your message. Your suggestion is very helpful. Since I am a beginner of LyX (I have been using LyX for about 6 months only), I am still learning all of the great features about the program. Here is how I solved my problem, and hope that other users will find it useful. 1. I went to "Document > Settings...", then on "Document Class", I chose "article (KOMA-Script)" 2. In the same box, I went to "LaTeX Preamble", then I add the following scripts in the end: \linespread{1.5} \setkomafont{footnote}{\normalsize} \let\myFoot\footnote \renewcommand{\footnote}[1]{\myFoot{#1\vspace{5mm}}} The first line is to make the whole document double-spaced (regardless the text or footnotes); The second line is to make the font size of the footnotes to be normal text size; The third line is to make the vertical space between footnotes a little bit wider. I am not sure my scripts are efficient. But at least they give the format I need. Hope they are helpful for other new users. Sincerely, Sunny --00504502b4439957b8047924578e--