Paul Johnson writes: > > In addition, for some reason I don't understand, all journal citations > inserted the letters "In:" before every journal name. I've never need > "In:" except for proceedings or collections. > > The offending bit is in standard.bbx, on lines 637-639: > > \newbibmacro*{in:}{% > \bibstring{in}\addcolon > \setunit{\space}} > > and commenting out the middle like eliminates the "In:" from the output. > > For me, this has been hard work. I've not found a biblatex email list > or support forum. The biblatex support page on sourceforge is sparse; > It simply recommends we go discuss in the Usenet in comp.text.tex. I > would do that, except I have not found a way to post in the Usenet > since my ISP eliminated Usenet service a year ago. > I have similar needs than you. (I didn't install biblatex 0.8e) You're true, there's no dedicated discussion on Biblatex but when I asked randomly in this ml for some little hacks, I always had some positive reply and almost everything worked. For fine tuning, it wuold be a bit harder but it seems that if there are more people like you and me, we can join forces and exchange tricks. For instance, I also need to hack that unnecessary "in" (I use verbose-trad2 style) I think that Philip, the main developer, is focusing in creating a final stable release rather than giving little help to people for hackings that may be unnecessary or even not-working in next releases... But you're true, I would love to know how to create a style of mine with less effort and low programming skills. Regards! H.