--------------enig96AFD44A247E81652A29C8FF Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Luca De Marini wrote: > Hallo everybody, I'm writing this because I'd like to start a new adven= ture > in lyx now that I know a lot about this tool, only fronted-side, not co= de or > LaTex side, sorry. So, I'm writing a Role Playing game manual here in I= taly > and my idea is that of trying to write it with an opensource software. = Now, > of course I know that for typography the best tool is Scribus. BUT, I l= ove > Lyx and I managed to create a fantastic colorful thesis for my Architec= tural > studies with it. It was a 2 columns document with notes, pictures, etc.= > An RPG manual is something way more elaborated. WAY MORE. Have a look a= t > white wolf's manuals to understand the extent of the graphical effort I= 'm > going to achieve. The problem is, many things cannot be done, from my p= oint > of view, in Lyx to achieve this result. And maybe this is simply not th= e > tool intended for this kind of result. I need 2 columns pages (OK) with= the > possibility to use a picture as a frame for the entire page, or as a > background if you prefer. This picture should be changeable from a sect= ion > or from a chapter to another. Say, this chapter has a picture frame of = one > kind, then changng chapter I can change the background picture again, e= tc. > =20 There is a package called 'wallpaper' that may do this very well with a little bit of ERT. > Not only that. I need to be able to put parts of a text, like a citatio= n, a > small emphasized part of the text, something to be outlined, into a fan= cy > small picture used as a background for it. Fancy tables would be needed= too, > but this could even be used with a work-around: I create the tables in = Gimp > or something similar, save them as picture and import them into the Lyx= > document in a Floating Table frame (for table indexing later). > > Now, why I wanna do it in Lyx? Many reasons, the main reasons are: > > 1) I love Lyx > 2) Lyx documents look incredible, very nice, veeeeery professional. > Everything is automated and done for good, it is NOT a WYSIWYG and this= is > nice to keep focused on the contents. > 3) I'm an opensource fan and leader of a GNU / LInux distro (OPenGEU) a= nd > I'd like to show off to the world the powers of opensource software. Ly= x is > in my opinion the best thing around in opensource documents managing. > 4) Currently all of this is impossible to do in Lyx with normal tools a= nd > GUI commands. Probably the result is achievable with complex code to be= > inserted here and there. This is NOT the solution. People cannot use co= de, > you can't ask people to. So, probably this effort will help Lyx become = more > powerful, many new small adjustements could be implemented with a work = of > this kind. > > Everybody, coders, users, everyone is invited in participating. I think= this > is a great occasion to have a powerfuller Lyx, able of achieving even m= ore > incredible results in many more fields of documents processing. Do you = think > this is achievable? Anyone wanna help? Remember I'm not trying to do th= is > for my only personal achievement. It costs zero to me using Scribus ins= tead > and living Lyx alone. It's just that I think this can be a nice fight t= o try > and win! :) > > Greetings everyone, > > Luca D.M. > > http://thedarkmaster.wordpress.com > http://www.opengeu.com > > =20 --=20 LyX: http://www.lyx.org/ OpenOffice: http://www.openoffice.org/ Inkscape: http://www.inkscape.org/ Scribus: http://www.scribus.net/ GIMP: http://www.gimp.org/ PDF: http://www.pdfforge.org/ --------------enig96AFD44A247E81652A29C8FF Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iEYEARECAAYFAkpbEckACgkQtX52dpJWQ8e3MwCguaOyJDAruSLEIiWJikbfWExc rkYAoKgUWat9FBxPuP7Zn/fuN7UUooBl =yVZh -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --------------enig96AFD44A247E81652A29C8FF--