Hi, I'm having two interconnected problem. My editor wants me to print the text in fontsize 12 (no problem), but the last chapter with the lists of sources in fontsize 10 and this indentation: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0.7 cm XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX 1st problem: font size ============= If I use "\begin{small}", I will only get font size 11. With {tiny} I will get 6. How can I get to size 10? I tried to define it with the \font comand (see below) but it didn't work. I keep getting error messages. ----------------------- in document header: \font\romanten=cmr10 at beginning of bibliography: \romanten [this lets lyx complain] ------------------------ I also need font size 10 in my headline, where I have the same problem as above with font size 11 or 6: \fancyhead[RE]{\small{\scshape \leftmark}} 2nd problem: indentation =============== How can I define a custom format with size 10 and indentation of 0.7cm from line 2 on? I'd appreciate any help very much. Thank you in advance. Markus