I can't thank you all enough for your time and interest. Just a bunch of answers to single answers, and a thought, but I think it can interest all of you: @Steve: wise LyX usage and great propaganda, I can use some of your arguments, thanks... but I think I'll keep the WYSIWYM in the title! @Stefano: Ciao Stefano, I'm pleased to know a fellow humanists and italian involved in LyX. I find very interesting what you told about LyX/LaTeX and the academia, although I'm not quite convniced about the needs of "future portability", as I think it is a problem of the past. And about "On the other hand", I read it as "THUMB DOWN DOWN DOWN". Negative sides are things I already thought but almost never read. But let me answer Charles - un “attimino”. @Charles: Very interesting about french publishers, I'm going to quote this. But this is subtly linked with a thing Stefano said. I'm talking about .... LyX philosophy (please do not run away!). What SHOULD LyX be (and is going right now, although we didn't realize it)???? LyX should be the ultimate tool for linking the writer to the reader. LyX should provide two different FORMS: one for the reader (and it's LaTeX - or whatever - based) and one for the writer. So if Steve don't like term WYSIWYM, I'm sorry ;) but I do. LyX must give a REPRESENTATION of what I mean. Of course paper is a representation of the meaning (or content), but it's only created to communicate it, not to create/edit it. This is and should be the only difference. Purist LaTeXians don't like LyX. I don't like LaTeX code. LaTeX code is a way for the computer to represent content. Computer, though, like it. I don't. I like LyX representation which is DESIGNED for me. Thorugh Latex, computer can represent in a commonly shared format (paper, paragraphs, notes etc.) what I mean. At the opposite side, LyX should abstract from any paper-like layout style. It should use more colours or shades. It should be used directly as a notepad, if I want. It should it should. Most importnat it should be different from BOTH Word and a LaTeX editor, and SHOULD NEVER be a compromise between them, as Stefano described it. It should never be a WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX. This would be the worst mistake. Let LaTeX do the job of printing a page. Just represent LaTeX things in a simple, human-intuitive way. In a few words: LyX should be an “idea editor”, although this kind of ideas (books, letters...) are already thought to be printed on paper or in any case to be “read”. It should focus on represent in a CLEAR way this idea. If it accomplishes this, the link between the writer and the reader could be with the aid of LaTeX (let bad publishers disappear), THE task of LyX. To LyX developers: please do not create a MS LaTeX please please! I (we?) don't want WYSIWYG: I want powerful, complete, effective WYSIWYM. Thanks and sorry for this compendium. Piero P.S. the human-user-proof word next to the "post this article" button under the GMANE "compose message" box in which I'm writing this, reads "representing"... is the LyX spirit sending us his benevolent sign? ...ah, nevermind.