>> error: >> LaTeX Error: File `biblatex.sty' not found. >> > > Did you install biblatex on your computer ? > > If not and you are using MacTeX follow the instructions here : > > http://www.1984produkts.com/donkeyhottie/archives/2008/05/11/mla-bibliographies-in-mactex/ Thanks – I assumed it was installed with MacTex. It wasnīt, so I did that now… The problem now is, that I donīt get an index. I have inserted a BibTex-Index and tried different styles. As far as I understood it doesnīt matter, which one I choose. Or do I have to install a style also? In a new file I created I interestingly only get references in a dialogue, which I donīt know and Iīm sure, that I didnīt enter them in BibDesk. I also canīt find them via spotlight. This is what I have in my preamble: \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true]{biblatex} \bibliography{} Thank you, best* Jess