Hi, I've just installed a new mobo and did a fresh install of Gentoo using 2.4.20-gentoo-r6 for the kernel. Now I've successfully emerged lm-sensors-2.7.0 and sensors works just fine for output. However, when it comes to sensors -s, I get the same output as the reporter of ticket #1250 (except I'm using different i2c and sensor modules). I'll save you the boring details and strace outputs, just so much: the files in /proc are writable but sysctl(2) fails with EACCES. The only bug I can see in sensors(1) is that it does an exit(0) although it was not successful :-) The actual problem here lies in the grsecurity patch included in gentoo-sources, see http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26244 if interested. Guess you can close this ticket. Cheers, -Malte