
I heard that people compliment XFS for being the fastest FS these days so I thought I give it a try.
What I did was that I converted my old 107GB FAT32 partition to XFS (I created an XFS over it) and I wanted to use it as /home
Everything went as it should, I moved the files from my old /home then I restarted (cleanly!) under windows.
When I got back from windows I was no longer able to mount the XFS partition.
xfs_repair only said that the superblock is invalid and attempts to find secondary superblocks but all candidates fail.
So I created a file on another computer with the exact same size as the partition on my computer and created an XFS on it.
Then I extracted the first 512 bytes and copied to my HDD using dd. But it complained about the UUID so I corrected it using khexedit.
Then xfs_db complained that it cannot find the root inode so I wrote a little perl script to search it.
You can find it in myxfs.tar.bz2. It seems that it found the root inode because after I corrected the address using khexedit
xfs_db started complaining about the realtime bitmap inodes, so I corrected those too (using inode numbers rootino+1 and rootino+2).
And this is where I'm stuck.
The mount still fails, dmesg says that it cannot find the root inode, xfs_repair says the same old thing, xfs_check says a lot of things,
most of them are messages like this: can't seek in filesystem at bb <some numbers> or: ag bad magick number.
That exceeds my knowledge.
Please help me restore the partition, It contains lots of programmes I wrote over the years and some of them are not backed up,
some of them are, but only an older version. I also have personal stuff on it like my bill records that I cannot recover from anywhere else.
myxfs.tar.bz2 contains the perl script I mentioned above and the inodes it found. The one staring with ri is the root inode,
the files starting with sb are the suspected superblocks (I also took one of those at random and corrected the three inode numbers
with khexedit but the result is the same) and the file backup_bootsect contains the original superblock that was on the disk after I came back
from windows xp. It does not look like anything to me...
The numbers after ri and sb are the starting address in bytes of the inode on the disk.
I would also attach the output of xfs_metadump which I created after I corrected the three inode numbers in the superblock but even bzip-ed
it is more than 3MB and the administrator of this list does not accept it.

Please help,