On Mon, 27 Mär 2000, rfx096h@tninet.se wrote: > [root@localhost /root]# ldd /usr/lib/licq/licq_qt-gui.so > libqt.so.2 => /usr/lib/libqt.so.2 (0x40095000) well, you see it tries to link against an installed qt 2.0 version. you need to let the /usr/lib/libqt.so.2 link either point to /usr/lib/libqt-2.1.0/lib/libqt.so.2.1.0 or enter /usr/lib/libqt-2.1.0/lib before the /usr/lib path in your /etc/ld.so.conf and rerun ldconfig or uninstall any Qt 2.0 lib. You missed the rule that you should never install two different versions of binary-compatible libs in parallel. Dirk