Am Dienstag, 17. April 2001 20:33 schrieb Rocky Scaletta: > One cup of coffee and 280 lines of XML later, I've set up syntax > highlighting for VHDL source files (hardware-type engineers like it, don't > ask). I've attached said XML file. Thx, will use it ;) (and set your name to the thanks about box) > > I also think i uncovered a bug in the XML handling: when you set > casesensitive="0" in the tag, kate will no longer match keywords > or datatypes. Am I right? I noticed that the only other languages that > are case-insensitive (HTML, XML) don't use keywords or datatypes, so maybe > no one's noticed the problem before. One of the Kate devs is still working on highlighting, that option doesn't work because isn'T implemented at the moment. ---------------------------------------- Content-Type: text/xml; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="vhdl.xml" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: VHDL syntax description ---------------------------------------- -- | | / / - get an edge in editing - | | / / »»»» GET KATE «««« | |/ / a fast and capable multiple document, | \ multiple view text editor for KDE | |\ \ | | \ \ _______________________________________________ Kwrite-devel mailing list