Hi Eike and everyone,

since 2015 Kate got the rustcompletion plugin:

Recently, the lsp plugin was added with Rust support:
- https://kate-editor.org/post/2019-08-07-kate-initial-rust-lsp-support/
- https://kate-editor.org/post/2019/2019-08-10-kate-lsp-more-languages-supported/

Eike, would it make sense to remove your plugin in favor of the lsp plugin? As far as I understand, the rustcompletion plugin "just" supports code completion and goto definition. The LPS plugin supports this as well and likely more.

Maybe we should have a smooth migration path: For the 19.12 release, still ship both plugins, but for 20.04 drop the rustcompletion plugin.

Maybe something we can discuss at Akademy. Thoughts?

Best regards