Hi all, the list below provides 17 new default styles in addition to our existing 14 default styles, making it a total of 31 default styles. Albeit this sounds like a lot of default styles, the list makes a lot of sense to me. The list includes all styles that we discussed in the last two rounds, plus dsPreprocessor, dsAttribute, and dsImport. I added dsImport since a lot of languages have the concept of imports, modules, or include files, and other text editors (e.g. vim) highlight these imports in a special color (which I personally like :p ) A discussion is still welcome, although I'd be happy especially about Ship-it!-like feedback ;) The next step is to implement this in KF5. Lengend: -: existing default style. +: new default style. Text - dsNormal This default style is used whenever no special highlighting is required. - dsKeyword Thid default style is used for built-in language keywords. - dsFunction This default style is used for function definitions and function calls. + dsVariable This default style is used for variables, e.g. $someVar in PHP or Perl. + dsControlFlow This default style is used for control flow keywords. Typical examples include keywords such as 'if', 'else', 'switch', 'return', or 'continue'. + dsOperator This default style is used to for operators. Typical examples include +-*/::<>. + dsBuiltin This default style can be used to highlight built-in functions, class names, or objects. + dsExtension This default style is used for addons that are non-standard, but widely used. For instance in C++, all Qt classes and macros are highlighted with way. + dsPreprocessor This default style is used in languages that use a preprocessor. Typical examples are C and C++, but other applications are such as using the m4 macro processor are possible. + dsAttribute This default style is used for source annotations. Examples include e.g. @override in Java, or __declspec(...) in C/C++. Strings & Characters - dsChar This default style is used to highlight single characters. Example: 'x'. - dsString This default style is used to highlight strings. Example: "Hello world!" + dsVerbatimString This default style for verbatim strings. Examples include 'text' in Perl, CoffeeScript and Bash, or r'' or r"" in Python. + dsSpecialString (SQL, HERE docs) This default style for strings with a special role. Examples include regular expressions, SQL keywords in a string, HERE docs, or the math mode in LaTeX. + dsSpecialChar This default style for characters with a special role. Examples include escaped characters or modifiers in regular expressions. + dsImport This default style is used to highlight e.g. include files in C/C++, imports in Java, modules in Python and Perl. Numbers, Types, and Constants - dsDataType This default style is used for data types. Typically, this includes types like int, char, double, or void. - dsDecVal This default style is used to highlight decimal values such as 42 or -10. - dsBaseN This default style is used to highlight numbers with a base other than 10. - dsFloat This default style is used to highlight floating point values. + dsConstant This default style is used to highlight language constants. Examples include 'nullptr' in C++ or Comments & Documentation - dsComment This default style is used as default highlighting for comments. + dsDocumentation (e.g. @brief in doxygen, or """...""" in Python) This default style is used in API documentation to highlight short descriptions. Examples include text after @brief in doxygen, or """...""" comments in Python. + dsAnnotation (e.g. @... in Java, @param in Doxygen) This default style is used to highlight special commands in comments. Examples include Doxygen or JavaDoc commands (@param, @brief, ...). + dsCommentVar (e.g. foobar in "@param foobar", etc...) This default style is used to highlight variables in comments that refer to parameters in the source code. A typical example is to highlight the text after @param someVar in a Doxygen comment. - dsRegionMarker This default style is used to highlight regions in comments, such as //BEGIN ... //END in C++. Notifications in Comments - dsError This default style is used to indicate wrong syntax. - dsAlert This default style is used to highlight special words in a comment. Examples include TODO, FIXME, HACK, or @todo from Doxygen. + dsInformation This default style is used for information text. A typical example is @note in Doxygen. + dsWarning This default style is used to highlight warnings, e.g., @warning in Doxygen. Misc - dsOthers This default style is used whenever none of the dedicated default styles fit. Greetings, Dominik _______________________________________________ KWrite-Devel mailing list KWrite-Devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kwrite-devel