On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:15 AM, Dominik Haumann <dhaumann@kde.org> wrote:
On Monday 24 February 2014 00:04:27 Andrey Matveyakin wrote:
> Hi,
> Let me put in my two cents.
> First, may be it would be useful to have something like
> dsFunctionAttribute (like [[C++14_attributes]] or @PythonDecorators)
> Matthew has used dsAnnotation for it, but may be it would be better not to
> mix rules for code and comments?

Hm, true. With "@... in Java" I meant @override annotations directly in front
of a function. Strictly speaking these are not comments.

Do other agree to add a
+ dsAttribute
that is supposed to be used in code for this reason (also for C++ __*__)?

Or we use dsAnnotation in code, and additionally include dsCommentCommand.

> Second, aren't there any languages other than C/C++ which have a concept of
> preprocessor? (I honestly don't know) May be, some assemblers? Even if
> C/C++ is so unique, we still might want to have
> dsPreprocessor
> to share this color between highlight files for this language family, since
> we are going to have at least 3 of them (C, C++, C++/Qt) or may be more
> depending on the result of discussions in parallel threads.

Yes, other languages exist that have it, too. For instance, m4 is a well-known

@others: being a well-known construct, any objections to
+ dsPreprocessor?

> And could you please enlighten me, what are dsFunction and dsDataType? Only
> things which can be classified as functions or types based on purely
> syntactic rules, or some build-in stuff like STL too?

As of now, dsFunction can be used for everything that is a function. For
instance, def blabla in Python.
dsDataType is a type that is used for arbitrary data in other .xml files (grep
dsDataType *.xml in the xml folder).

Ok, I see that dsDataType and dsFunction are sometimes recognized by list-based lookup. If so, I don't understand the dsExtension rule. Many things can be an extension, not just a keyword, but also a control flow (e.g. Qt “foreach”), a data type, variable or function defined in a library. Which will be marked as dsExtension? All of them or only non-control-flow-like-keyword ones?

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