
Let me put in my two cents.

First, may be it would be useful to have something like
dsFunctionAttribute (like [[C++14_attributes]] or @PythonDecorators)
Matthew has used dsAnnotation for it, but may be it would be better not to mix rules for code and comments?

Second, aren't there any languages other than C/C++ which have a concept of preprocessor? (I honestly don't know) May be, some assemblers? Even if C/C++ is so unique, we still might want to have
to share this color between highlight files for this language family, since we are going to have at least 3 of them (C, C++, C++/Qt) or may be more depending on the result of discussions in parallel threads.

And could you please enlighten me, what are dsFunction and dsDataType? Only things which can be classified as functions or types based on purely syntactic rules, or some build-in stuff like STL too?
