2014-02-21 0:49 GMT+01:00 Sven Brauch <svenbrauch@googlemail.com>:

With the current setup, I don't see a need for dsBuiltin personally. For the
bash example, couldn't you use dsFunction for all the commands? That seems
pretty logical to me. Also in python I think everything is covered with
dsConstant, dsFunction and dsKeyword. dsBuiltin would be a subset of things
that fit into dsConstant and dsFunction.

As Matthew said:

The last one is arguably the most useful, as you’ll see immediately if you e.g. wrote def __str_(self): instead of using two underscores at the end. And distinguishing between dsLanguageConstant and dsConstant might not be necessary. normal constants would be that style and all-caps, while language constants are that style and not all caps.

All those are python examples, but i can guarantee you that there are analoguous things in all scripting languages, as well as other languages like Go.

Either way, as said, pretty nice -- I think we can get quite far with this :)

i also like it very much. great job people!

PS: I’m also for dsSpecialChar, but i guess its omission is just an oversight.