Ok, final (?) round. The current list looks as follows: Legend: '-': already exists '+': new, and makes a lot of sense (only these will survive in the end) '?': new, really needed? Text - dsNormal - dsKeyword + dsExtension (same as keyword, e.g. Qt, tr1, and other extensions) + dsControlFlow (or dsStructure, if, else, switch, continue) - dsFunction - dsDataType + dsVariable ($bla in php or perl) + dsOperator (for +-*/::<> etc..., lots of languages define this) ? dsBuiltin Strings & Characters - dsChar - dsString + dsVerbatimString ('' in Perl, CoffeeScript and Bash, r'' or r"" in Python) + dsSpecialString (SQL, HERE docs) Numbers, Types, and Constants - dsDecVal - dsBaseN - dsFloat + dsConstant (language constants, maybe True, False, ...) Comments & Documentation - dsComment - dsRegionMarker + dsDocumentation (e.g. @brief in doxygen, or """...""" in Python) + dsAnnotation (e.g. @... in Java, @param in Doxygen) + dsCommentVar (e.g. foobar in "@param foobar", etc...) Notifications in Comments - dsError (wrong/broken syntax) - dsAlert (TODO, FIXME, HACK, doxygen: @todo) + dsInformation (e.g. @note) + dsWarning (e.g. in doxygen @warning) Misc - dsOthers This makes 12 new default styles (+). My plan is that only existing items and items with a '+' will be added to Kate. Only dsBuiltin has a '?' and is still up for discussion. Can we have a discussion about it again? Feel free to discuss all the other items as well, but all in all it looks already pretty good imo. Thanks! Dominik _______________________________________________ KWrite-Devel mailing list KWrite-Devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kwrite-devel