2014-02-17 23:49 GMT+01:00 Milian Wolff <mail@milianw.de>:
Can you elaborate why you want to have [dsBuiltin], and how it differs from
dsKeyword, dsFunction, dsConstant?

dsKeyword: keywords. class, if, else, break, continue, match, switch, yield, function, def, try, raise, …
dsFunction: function/method declarations, i.e. the function name after the function keyword: defun …, String …() {}, function …() {}, def …():
dsConstant: NAMES_WITH_UNDERSCORES per convention

dsBuiltin: functions, classes, etc. which are defined in the default namespace: e.g. http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/functions.html and the types like int, set, …, http://golang.org/pkg/builtin/

i agree, dsBuiltinValue is maybe to much. those are special constants/singletons like true, false, null, … we could highlight them as constants or keywords.

but i still definitely want dsBuiltin!

At least JavaScript and C++ don't have it. PHP has it though. Anyhow, this
depends on semantic analysis (see my other email) and maybe needs a different
approach. That said, why would one want to highlight exceptions differently
from other objects? Where is this useful to know directly whether a type is
actually an Exception?

the python highlighting has the builtin exceptions highlighted, which is useful for knowing that you spelled them wrong. but probably overkill and better done with completion.