On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Alex Turbov <i.zaufi@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 9:18 PM, Sven Brauch <svenbrauch@googlemail.com> wrote:
> That is absolutely CRAZY idea! and better even wouldn't consider it...
How is that a crazy idea? That is far more straightforward that what
you are doing right now. It is in fact maybe three lines of code, in
which you would just instantiate a konsole kpart with
"/usr/bin/ipython2" as the shell (without any compile-time references
to python or ipython at all, for that matter). It is the simplest
imaginable way to implement this ;)

What the main purpose to embedd ipython into kate?
I supposed is to have easy way to play w/ kate internals using python (i.e. it is why it targeted to kate python plugin developers).
Reading your opinion it is not: primary users are ordinal users of kate...

To feel whole craziness of the idea, tell me how do you suppose to the CLI running ipython (whatever version it is) to provide access to kate internals?

ipython --config='path_to_config_file_to_load_kate_stuff'