Amazing, the mark interface should be sufficient to improve the linting manifold. Just add marks with type error or warning, and that's already much better.

But what we can't do (AFAIK) is adding individual descriptions to marks. I could fake it if there were a markHovered signal carrying the line number, but even better would be overloading setMarkDescription to accept a line number. It's not necessary to be able to call it multiple times per mark type and line, as one can simply concatenate multiple strings before setting the mark description, or get the current description, append a new line, and set the new string.

Am 11.11.2013 17:02 schrieb "Dominik Haumann" <>:
On Monday, November 11, 2013 13:00:03 Philipp A. wrote:
> 2013/11/11 Dominik Haumann <>
> > Maybe it would be a good idea to add notifications on the Kate application
> > level. Maybe as button/icon on the very bottom right.
> >
> > That would be the cleanest solution in my opinion.
> >
> > As always, we'd need an interface for this + implementation.
> we don’t need to write anything, there’s already a great repacement for
> single-line messages:
> message = KTextEditor.Message(KTextEditor.Message.Positive, "something")
> document.postMessage(message)

Yes, this works for all document related messages. But not for generic
application level messages. Arbitrary example: Kate did not find a file, now
it wants to notify the user: Posting it into another document is not an

But I don't know how notifications are use in python plugins.

> And is there something that can be used as an interface for linters? Like
> being able to highlight a bunch of lines and creating symbols on the symbol
> bar (the one next to the line numbers), which show a small message on
> hover? That would be awesome to replace the clumsy popups as linter output.

All that exists: You create the highlighting with KTextEditor::MovingRanges
and KTextEditor::MovingInterface. You create an icon by adding a mark to the
bar, see KTextEditor::MarkInterface.

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