I've been using kate for years as my primary code editor for php, css, html, javascript, bash, etc.
Ever since 4.6 was released, kate has become unbearably slow.  For example, when I type some code on a new line, it can take kate's buffer anywhere from 1-5 seconds to "catch up" with my typing and actually display what I've typed.
I know this isn't unique to one machine, since I use kate on 2 different hosts (one running a kate 4.6 on fresh install of Kubuntu 11.04 and the other running Ubuntu 10.1).  Based on various blogs I've read, it looks like a lot of other folks are frustrated with kate's sluggish performance as well.

I haven't bothered submitting a bug since your bugs database already has a few submissions regarding this problem.
When are you planning to address this?  Two of my colleagues at work have already abandoned kate because of it's abysmal responsiveness and I'm close to doing the same; but I'd rather not.  Performance issues aside, kate is the best code editor I've ever used and I really want to keep using it.  But at this point, kate's sluggishness has interrupted my workflow so severely that I'll be forced to abandon kate if these performance issues aren't addressed soon.

Please tell me that there's a light at the end of the tunnel here!

