SVN commit 754000 by mwoehlke: Tone down default tint colors to compensate for 2x tint amount (KCU::tint(bg, fg) is - currently, at least - the same as asking for the corresponding background role, except we get to request a stronger tint amount). If this is too subtle, please bump the tint amount rather than reverting. CCMAIL: M +5 -2 kateviewdocumentproxymodel.cpp --- trunk/KDE/kdesdk/kate/app/kateviewdocumentproxymodel.cpp #753999:754000 @@ -45,8 +45,11 @@ KConfigGroup config(KGlobal::config(), "FileList"); KColorScheme colors(QPalette::Active); - m_editShade = config.readEntry("Edit Shade", colors.foreground(KColorScheme::ActiveText).color() ); - m_viewShade = config.readEntry("View Shade", colors.foreground(KColorScheme::VisitedText).color() ); + QColor bg = colors.background().color(); + m_editShade = KColorUtils::tint(bg, colors.foreground(KColorScheme::ActiveText).color(), 0.5); + m_viewShade = KColorUtils::tint(bg, colors.foreground(KColorScheme::VisitedText).color(), 0.5); + m_editShade = config.readEntry("Edit Shade", m_editShade); + m_viewShade = config.readEntry("View Shade", m_viewShade); m_shadingEnabled = config.readEntry("Shading Enabled", true); m_sortRole = config.readEntry("SortRole", (int)KateDocManager::OpeningOrderRole); _______________________________________________ KWrite-Devel mailing list