CVS commit by castano: - Added a command to toggle the showIndentLines option. - Move the showIndentLines option from KateViewConfig to KateRendererConfig. - Do not cache the showIndentLines option in the renderer anymore. - Move the showIndentLines option from KateIndentConfigTab to KateViewDefaultsConfig. GUI: The "show indent lines" option is now in the view defaults config tab. CCMAIL: M +6 -2 katecmds.cpp 1.51 M +25 -24 kateconfig.cpp 1.73 M +5 -5 kateconfig.h 1.57 M +13 -13 katedialogs.cpp 1.166 M +1 -1 katedialogs.h 1.80 M +12 -8 katerenderer.cpp 1.94 M +7 -8 katerenderer.h 1.26 M +2 -1 kateview.cpp 1.387 _______________________________________________ KWrite-Devel mailing list