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On August 30th, 2012, 8:18 p.m., Thomas Lübking wrote:

kwin/composite.h (Diff revision 3)
class Compositor : public QObject {
    static bool compositing() {
static CompositingType compositing() {
    return s_compositor && s_compositor->isActive() ? effects->compositingType() : NoCompositing;

?? - Sorry for being pita =)
not sure if it's worth it. It's only used in Client in one method and that particular code is messy anyway - that is I want to rework it.

- Martin

On August 30th, 2012, 7:44 p.m., Martin Gräßlin wrote:

Review request for kwin.
By Martin Gräßlin.

Updated Aug. 30, 2012, 7:44 p.m.


Remove superfluous Compositor checks in events.cpp

compositing() ensures that m_compositor is not null.

Make the Compositor a proper Singleton

The Compositor class actually behaves like a Singleton so it should be
one. Therefore four static methods are added:
* self() to access the Singleton
* createCompositor() to be used by Workspace to create the instance
* isCreated() to have a simple check whether the Singleton is already
* compositing() as a shortcut to test whether the compositor has been
  created and is active

The isCreated() check is actually required as especially Clients might
be created and trying to access the Compositor before it is setup.


  • kwin/bridge.cpp (670063e2276a506e0b3f3e29d2fef3b946032f82)
  • kwin/client.cpp (569494418117f3b987f05c844debac48a88ed05d)
  • kwin/composite.h (a4a37107ffe4981e9758c9ff65779c646ae94ffb)
  • kwin/composite.cpp (640ebd6a3c09e82492d79b9b2d68d752d6a0c62c)
  • kwin/events.cpp (23e1921bfa653fcf399378c0328733fb996b9d1f)
  • kwin/geometry.cpp (19a911d097c3fd87da28ede9dc9fd362310146cc)
  • kwin/paintredirector.cpp (55b20c4f4eae2723df46e92654c851e912cd5008)
  • kwin/workspace.h (3f4bd9f93a27c832fef913e5fdbcc24518fadb4d)
  • kwin/workspace.cpp (e03e5e765bea8d098bd86dd5118198ddccd8fd8d)

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