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This review has been submitted with commit 6acbd605bd28186f71bede467a5183881ca82fe9 by Thomas Lübking to branch master.

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On August 18th, 2012, 10:11 a.m., Thomas Lübking wrote:

Review request for kwin and Martin Gräßlin.
By Thomas Lübking.

Updated Aug. 18, 2012, 10:11 a.m.


This handles it gracefully.
Given the kcm is usually in and will crash systemsettings i've a slight tendency towards this but would also be fine with an assert (or straight abort regardless of compile mode)

The code relies on the presence of an extern resource and produces "funny" crashes if absent - that somebody has to investigate.

I also propose to check kwin for similar hard deps on extern resources and handle them in a common way.


Yes, deleted main.qml -> crash.
W/ patch I get an ugly label telling me that i shall contact my distro because an important file is missing.
Bugs: 304881


  • kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration/kwindecoration.cpp (1f7a209)

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