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This review has been submitted with commit 567f8cc50082ce5307aa7163fdf3176446a1df5a by Martin Gräßlin to branch KDE/4.9.

- Commit

On August 25th, 2012, 11:32 a.m., Martin Gräßlin wrote:

Review request for kwin.
By Martin Gräßlin.

Updated Aug. 25, 2012, 11:32 a.m.


Start building up of ClientModel with the first Client to include
So far the first Client to be shown in the list (that is the
currently active window) was inserted as the last client into
the list by prepending it to the list.
This meant that if another Client actually blocks the inclusion
of the currently selected Client (e.g. only one window per app)
the currently active Client never got included in this list.
This change ensures that the recently used model switching has
the starting Client as the first Client in the list and also
simplifies the code.
Stacking order switching mode is not adjusted as it seems rather
broken, like the comment already says.

Patch requires review #106088
Bugs: 304950


  • kwin/tabbox/tabbox.cpp (098d759)
  • kwin/tabbox/clientmodel.cpp (b78c1f5)

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