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Review request for kwin and Martin Gräßlin.
By Thomas Lübking.

Updated Feb. 16, 2012, 10:47 p.m.


Improvement by not activating a random other client if the lowered client isn't active at all. Also applying this alteration to the shortcut variant (w/o altering the general behavior there)


Added clientUnderMouse() -used as well by nextFocusPrefesrMouse- and pass the focus there when lowered by mouseclick.
No idea whether it should apply to toggle as well (esp. not activating because of raising)


Yes - I hope nextFocusPrefersMouse remains working ;-)
Bugs: 255052

Diffs (updated)

  • kwin/activation.cpp (37f0070)
  • kwin/useractions.cpp (b310a39)
  • kwin/workspace.h (092b6a7)

View Diff