Sorry for the hassle everyone, I was in a hurry when I sent the patch (actually, it was 01:45 a.m. and I wanted to go to bed – shouldn't do that, I know^^). The main patch is still quite big, but there are a few changes that make it seem messier than it actually is: - I have changed the name of mKWinConfig to mNewConfig in order to better express the purpose - I have split up the loading code in Options::updateSettings into subroutines (actually, I have not changed anything except for adding the backup related code) - I have renamed the "reinitCompositing" DBus signal to "reloadCompositingConfig" in order to clarify its purpose - As I have mentioned before, it took me several iterations to find a solution. Thus, there are a few basically unneeded changes in the patch. However, I think they make the code easier to understand, so I have not removed them. The second patch contains a small fix (the dropdown boxes for the window/desktop switching effects were not updated correctly if all related effects had been disabled) and removes some unused code. The third patch contains a few comment changes and a lot of whitespace changes to make the code comply to the KWin coding standards. I have just created these three with the help of "git add --patch" and had no time to them yet, so the might not be fully independent. The patches are attached this time, if you prefer a fancy HTML rendering, you can still have look at them at Please bear with me if I have again made some major mistake ;)