So with this patch that you submitted you think that code could use opengl functions, especially glPushMatrix and glRotatef without any initialization? Thats fanstatic! Anyway, I didn't mean to suggest that your code was bad, I think its great what you did. On 29/03/2008, Martin Graesslin wrote: > Am Freitag, 28. März 2008 schrieb Premeir Sullivan: > > > The reason why its a concern for me is when I began writing code that > > used openGL, I realized that making calls to gl.rotatef() was easy; > > the hard part was initializing openGL in the right way. The only > > openGL effect that I know of is the Coverswitch effect. I didn't want > > to use the coverswitch code as a model because it radically rewrites > > the rendering stack, whereas my plugin only needs to do one or two > > rotations. So I'm left with the question, what openGL initializations > > are necessary and where should I put them? > > I know the problem and I would immediatelly rewrite the effect if there were a > way to not do the rendering in this way. It really hurts and causes the > problems like not working with TwinView, etc. > > I just tried a little bit and have a demo rotating effect that does not use > the strange code I wrote in coverswitch. I replaced the glOrthon in > scene_opengl by glFrustum so that we have perspective whenever we want ;-) > With that I tried to rotate a window. It is not nice and not working > correctly, but I would say it is a proof of concept ;-) > > > > _______________________________________________ > Kwin mailing list > > > > > _______________________________________________ Kwin mailing list