AN ALLE FINANZINVESTOREN! DIESE AKTIE WIRD DURCHSTARTEN! DIENSTAG 1. MAG STARTET DIE HAUSSE! Company: ORAMED PHARMA WKN : A0J3FG ISIN : US68403P1049 Markt: Frankfurt Kurzel : OJU.F Preis: 0.50 5 Tages Prognose: 2.10 OJU.F ESGESCHAFT FIN UNTER PARI! LASSEN SIE SICH DIESE CHANCE NICHT ENTGEHEN! At the reception after the day's events, you can mingle with fellow participants. Effective Concurrency for the Java Platform (TS-2388) Speaker: Brian Goetz, Sun Microsystems, Inc. Companion Events Pre-Conference events on Monday, May 7, include Java University, CommunityOne, and NetBeans Software Day. For the fourth year in a row, you can attend NetBeans Software Day to get the latest news on the NetBeans IDE development tool and rich-client programming on the NetBeans platform. What's important is not how many you fix but getting into the code. The session introduces what a Comet application is and when to use and create Comet applications. JavaOne sessions and schedules sometimes change, so always check the online content catalog for the most up-to-date session information. The components perform as well as, or better than, any other known virtual-globe implementation and use the OpenGL API for 3-D graphics using Java OpenGL (JOGL). ; and Larry White, Sun Microsystems, Inc. See if you can find why something started. Finally, it demonstrates Comet and Comet applications, using Ajax and the Dojo toolkit. During a discussion about making AWTKeyStroke different, an AWT engineer suggested I write the patch for the change. These overarching sessions take place before the morning technical sessions and before and after the afternoon technical sessions. If it wasn't thread safe, you'd risk ending up with a deadlocked Swing application and a negative perception of Swing. net, is renowned for the bug fixes he contributed to Java SE 6, which number well into the hundreds and won him a Duke's Choice award for outstanding platform contributions in 2006. Even if you don't find a solution, you'll learn and become a more powerful developer. setCharacterAttributes(0, 10, sas, true); The only reason I'd do something like this is because the Javadoc explicitly states: "Is Thread Safe. Additional information about this appears later in this article. Writing applications that interact with asynchronous resources such as web services and databases requires that you understand threads. A special Java Technology Business track on Tuesday, May 8, will appeal to VPs, CIOs, business managers, entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals. Let folks kick the tires. Now the community is working on GlassFish v2. Technical sessions Speakers present extensive in-depth technical sessions on the latest technologies and applications. Get some relief from JSR 295, Beans Binding. Also, you'll learn advanced features that include custom drop-location rendering. Including your reasoning processes in your patch helps communicate with whoever evaluates the patch. The state of the bug database is a mixed affair. Bringing Life to Swing Desktop Applications (TS-3414) Speakers: Kirill Grouchnikov, Amdocs, and Alexander Potochkin, Sun Microsystems, Inc. There's no better way to start off the top 10 than with an overview of this year's Desktop track. Are you up to the challenge? The session includes descriptions and example code for rat- and cat-sized applications that range from hobbyist examples for developers to get their hands on, to real-world commercial examples. This session provides even more tips on how to improve your graphical Swing applications. It may seem to be a good solution, but unanticipated issues can trip you up. See if you can find why something started. In some cases, the reporter would have been better off getting help from a Java forum. The speaker describes his experiences and gives concrete examples of employing Java technology in robots of all shapes and sizes. Now the community is working on GlassFish v2. The Java programming language has turned a generation of application programmers into concurrent programmers through its direct support of multithreading. Harry: Yes, try to be comprehensive in testing the patch with different looks and feels (LAFs). It explains each of these topics with concrete code examples. While researching a MDI (Multi-Document Interface) RFE, I had serialization problems during testing. Desktop Java Technology Today (TS-3160) Speakers: Chet Haase and Thorsten Laux, Sun Microsystems, Inc. InterSystems, ParaSoft, and Terracotta are this year's Silver cosponsors. This session describes why Java technology is ideal for emerging mobile robotics applications as well as for more-mature industrial robotics and automation applications. Additional information about this appears later in this article. Even if you don't find a solution, you will learn and become a more powerful developer. The session also presents experiences and examples with unmanned air vehicles, industrial robotics, and automation applications. " In that spirit, you have started the Kitchen Sink Language (KSL). It describes how to deploy World Wind with Java Web Start software and as an applet. For the fourth year in a row, you can attend NetBeans Software Day to get the latest news on the NetBeans IDE development tool and rich-client programming on the NetBeans platform. You know the hassle of keeping your visual Swing components synchronized with data models. This BOF session presents techniques and approaches that significantly simplify Ajax development and maintenance. Being Productive With Swing (TS-3834) Speaker: Ben Galbraith, Consultant and Author Galbraith was a top-rated speaker at the 2006 JavaOne conference. Additional information about this appears later in this article. " In this particular case, I've used this with asynchronous colorizers. Heiss, April 2007 Bio: I work at Sun Microsystems as the tech lead for javac, Sun's Java compiler, focusing primarily on the type system. What motivates you to fix these bugs? You can also attend some good Seam-related BOFs: "Improve and Expand JavaServer Faces Technology With JBoss Seam" (BOF-4400), led by Michael Yuan of Red Hat Inc. No matter how good the specification, trying it out on your own code provides better understanding. The session sets out to explain the main issues a developer is likely to come across in trying to build a full-scale Swing application: wiring, communication, and modularity. _______________________________________________ Kwin mailing list