tirsdag 20 mai 2003, 14:26, skrev du : > Please add -p to your diff options, it makes reading the patches easier > even without applying them. > I'll do that from now on, thanks for the suggestion. > > I am not sure I understand you. When would unwanted resizing happen? > > Actually it's not very likely that it applies in this case. When KWin > wants to set some window size, it resizes it as whole, including the > decorations. But the decorations themselves currently mustn't resize, > because that would also resize the actual window embedded in the > decorations, and that's not desired. In fact, the patch can change the border size when maximizing-normalizing a window, but there seem to be no strange side-effect. > > The new API will have to reflect this somehow, but I'm not sure how. As I > said, I'll handle all this together somewhen later. > > But now that I think of it, I don't see any special reason against > commiting the patch. Done. Great, thank you. > > > Since I made my modified B2 kwin client (BeeToo, it is downloadable from > > kde-look.org) , I am interested in problems I might have introduced, and > > in any API changes you are planning. > > > > By the way, is it possible for a kwin client to override the default > > rubberband effect used to move/resize the window? I'd like to supply one > > shaped like the window. > > You mean the rectangle outline for transparent moving? No. And I'm not > sure whether it would be worth the effort. Probably not, since most people are probably using the dafault solid move-resize method. I am probably one of the few who still uses transparent moving. > > > Thanks in advance for your answers. > > By the way, I'd like to check out the kwin_iii branch, does it have any > > particular problem? It is not too clear to me why it is on a branch, HEAD > > is supposed to be the experimental branch anyhow. > > HEAD is unstable branch, but not experimental. HEAD is still supposed to > work at least somehow, unlike other branches, which may be completely > broken at times. That said, kwin_iii is actually quite stable and usable > most of the time, I normally use it with KDE HEAD. > I'll try the kwin_iii branch, then. Do I have to check-out all of kdebase with the kwin_iii tag or only the kwin directory? > Note that the only decoration that is updated in kwin_iii is Keramik, as > the new API is not yet done etc. All right, I'll use it to see what kind of changes I'll have to do to adapt my style to KDE3.2. I'd be willing to make changes to other styles to remove the resize handle for unresizable windows, but I think I'll wait for kwin_iii to stabilize, before doing that. Ciao, Luciano -- Luciano Montanaro// My public GPG key can be /"\ ASCII RIBBON \X/ found at wwwkeys.pgp.net \ / CAMPAIGN X AGAINST HTML / \ MAIL _______________________________________________ Kwin mailing list Kwin@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kwin