Yeah, I guess we should remove this log message. This was used to diagnose problems in the USNO NOMAD catalog handling. I believe these warnings are not serious issues, but simply indicate a lack of stars of sufficient faintness in a given region.


Am Di., 28. Apr. 2020 um 06:34 Uhr schrieb Hy Murveit <>:
FYI, I imaged last night with the latest git kstars/ekos with debug logging turned on
and I got 1,557,445 lines in my log that were similar to the below. That was about 100Mb of log dedicated to that message.

[2020-04-26T23:21:38.685 PDT WARN ][                org.kde.kstars] - SBL::fillToMag(  18.9157  ) failed for trixel  22676
