SVN commit 1156270 by asimha: Adding a Generic calendar widget. Now, this is a bad idea, but there seems to be no alternative at the moment. The issue is that we need a KDatePicker-equivalent that handles customized date tables subclassed from KDateTable (such as the one we've tweaked to draw the moon phases in the cells), but KDatePicker does not permit you to access the KDateTable it uses. While the (probably) ideal way to solve this problem is to get KDatePicker to support customized KDateTables (I've requested this with John Layt), this is a make-do thing till that happens. I implement a "dirty" KDatePicker-replacement around a custom KDateTable. Support for all calendars other than Gregorian is broken. CCMAIL: A genericcalendarwidget.cpp [License: GPL (v2+)] A genericcalendarwidget.h [License: GPL (v2+)] A genericcalendarwidget.ui _______________________________________________ Kstars-devel mailing list