Hi, why not try to get kmail running on windows? the kde-cygwin people are making great progress in this direction lately, you can install a kde 3.1.1 on win32, which runs in an own XFree window. i guess the available manpower ( if there is any available... ) is better invested into getting kmail running. this can be seen as a single task to do, which will be done, when it is done, and then it would work from a single code base. when somebody extends mozilla mail or and other mua, then there will always be two code bases to maintain, which is a bag thing imho... in the actual cvs version of the XFree server, there is already a mode, in which every X window gets an own MS Windows window, so one can get rid of the big kde-desktop window, so this should look quite nice, when somebody works on it. Holger On Friday 20 June 2003 13:57, Jan-Oliver Wagner wrote: > On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 12:39:33PM +0200, Jon Bendtsen wrote: > > Jan-Oliver Wagner wrote: > > >Developing a Free Software plugin for Outlook would be a comprehensive > > >job to do. IMHO, investing such Free Software man power (if available > > >at all) should better be spend into developing an alternative > > >Kolab-enabled MUA (if spent for Windows at all). > > > > I dont think the trouble would be that big... > > what do you refer to? the FS-Plugin? I assure you, that it is > a huge job (it was already for Bynari and Konsec) because > you have to deal with badly documented or entirrely obscure > proprietary formats. > > > Why not start with > > a MUA that already works on windows (and other platforms)? > > I'm thinking about the mozilla MUA. How much trouble was it to > > extend kmail to the kolab client? > > yes, Mozilla alreay came to my mind for such an approach. > Still it will mean quite some work and doing it without payment > will make the job even tougher. > > > >A Kolab-web client is an interesting compromise that should require > > >a reasonable efford. > > > > the problem with a web-client is that you need online access. > > With a standalone you could take an offline backup of the imap > > server. > > Indeed, this is true. > > > Outlook can do this, so why not kolab clientS. > > The KDE Kolab Client can! _______________________________________________ Kroupware mailing list Kroupware@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kroupware