
I commited some fixes for google libjingle implementation to kopete (jabber protocol) trunk.

Google released new version of libjingle, but it is too late for backporting to Kopete now. Kopete need some patches to google libjingle library, so it is not easy copy code from google. Maybe in KDE4.7 I backport all changes from google with video support (new version support it). So If some bug will be fixed in kopete libjingle code please add commit diff to kopete/protocols/jabber/googletalk/libjingle/patches/ (same reason like for libiris library in kopete).

Now I have patch which enable support for iLBC codec again in libjingle. (It was disabled due new version of mediastreamer). I think that this is bugfix, so can I commit it to trunk?

Next, libjingle support setting ring tone for incommig call (only WAV format). But it is disabled in cmake script. I found, that KDE has phone ring sound:
Can I convert this sound to WAV and commit it to kopete trunk? I think that ringing tone is needed for all who use voice calls!

Pali Rohár