attached is a version where i changed the things you mentioned in irc ...


Olivier Goffart wrote:
Le mercredi 3 décembre 2008, Timo Schlüßler a écrit :

attached is a patch and the two files which add the ability to import
logs from pidgin to kopete. The source-code files belong to
I changed HistoryLogger slightly so that appendMessage() uses the
timestamp from the message that is to be imported  but not

I don't know what happens if you want to import multiuser chatlogs
because i haven't got any ... i would be glad if you can check that.
For me it works just fine, but the logs from pidgin are very unsteady.
anyway i hope it works for all pidgin logs.


sorry for answering so late.

You shouldn't change the reference date in the getDocument() function.

You should understand that by definition, the 'int month' passed to the 
getDocument function is the difference between the _current_ month and the 
month of the document you ask.

So you should not change the reference.

What you should do instead is, in appendMessage, call the overloaded
getDocument, that take a QDate instead.
BUT then move the cache from the function that take an integer to this one.


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