Hi Matt and list, > Please discuss. All feedback is welcome. Just because the topic is related. As I feel that I'm working on plugins too much these days (KPluginSelector and lots of related work to KCModuleInfo changes), I think that Kopete plugins need some reviewing and probably fresh style (at least for config dialogs). I am really busy right now with university stuff, kcategorizedsortfilterproxymodel and other kde related stuff, but I think I can work on them after the 4.0 version is tagged. Let's say september for example. Committing plugins is right anytime, right ? Just to let you know, and if someone wants to help me, is completely welcome :) If you have another plans for the plugins or just doesn't me to work on them, just tell me :) Bye and thanks, Rafael Fernández López. _______________________________________________ kopete-devel mailing list kopete-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kopete-devel