On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Jekyll Wu <adaptee@gmail.com> wrote:
于 2012年05月11日 20:46, Kurt Hindenburg 写道:
Hi, is this something you'd like to do for 4.9?


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Jekyll Wu<adaptee@gmail.com>  wrote:

Hi, I have been think about those two options for a while, and I think
there is good reason to drop those two options.

I have pushed some code to my konsole mirror[1] on github. That is basically what I mean to do. The result is konsole just works as expected without user guidance :

  * when compositing is available and the colorscheme uses transparent, the terminal area has translucent background.

  * otherwise, the terminal area has solid background.

Hi,   --force-transparency can be removed as I confirm it doesn't work.  I'm trying to think of a case where --no-transparency would be needed.  I can't really see one that would cause someone to start a konsole via the command-line.
On a side note, if KDE/konsole is started w/ transparency turned off and then it is turned back on, konsole already opened should really be able to handle that…. 