On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Jekyll Wu <adaptee@gmail.com> wrote:
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Well, that dialog is a little messy in several aspects at the moment:

1). It uses QTabWidget, which is deprecated according to the krazy
report[1]. Although I'm not clear why QTabWidget is deprecated, the
appearance of that dialog looks really outdated when compared with
most other KDE applications.
Again, it has been a while since I looked at this.  I believe w/ KTabWidget you get all the styles that make it look like the rest of KDE. 

That appearance problem is more obvious now that we have the "Config
Konsole" dialog, which is similar to dialogs in other KDE
applications. I guess users will have similar feeling in next major

What shall we do ?
I thought perhaps we might try (perhaps a mockup) to put the edit dialog combined w/ configure dialog.  But really, anything would likely be better.

2). It costs too much code. The file EditProfileDialog.cpp contains
almost 1400 lines of code. This is probably due to that it contains
many customized behavior. But still it contains too much code, and the
codes are just cluttered together within one big file. This is bad not
only for existing developers to maintain the code, but also for random
contributors to figure out where to start with.

This problem also applies to other files. The best/worst example is
TerminalDisplay.cpp, which contains 3000 lines of code. I have to
admit that number often scares me ...

What shall we do ?
You're more than welcomed to try to separate the classes.  I rarely have time to do anything but try to keep up w/ bug reports and serious bugs.  Something this big would take serious design and time.  A remote branch would be the way to go here. 

3). It uses the home made class Konsole::WarningBox to show warning
message. That increase the maintenance burden and provide inconsistent

That's fine.  I look at it a while for the control dialog (ctrl+s/q) and didn't like it since it changed the dimensions of the terminal (like the search bar did).  You're patch is fine.
Again, thanks for your work on Konsole