-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 The KDE4 kosole provides only one choice(system notification) for bell, while KDE3 konsole provided multiple choices(system notification, beep, visual bell). Some users miss those lost choices, especially the 'beep'. Bug 177861 - Allow users using system beep for bell Bug 155622 - Allow users using "visual bell" as in KDE3 konsole Bug 165193 - Add visual indicator on the tab in which the bell just happened Here are my thoughts about those choices. 1. beep Frankly, I don't quite understand why some users find that beep helpful or friendly :( It just feel noisy. Of course, it is useful for providing feedback on tab-completion in the shell, but it is still noisy. Another bad thing of a "audio bell" is that it only tells you "something has happened", but it is so short and does not provide any information about "in where that something has happened". So when a bell is emitted in an inactive tab, I will hear a noisy beep but have no idea what exactly has happened and where to find it. 2. visual bell I don't get it, either. What it does is just flashing the terminal area for a short time. I would say that visual effect or glitch is even more boring and confusing than the noisy beep. For bells in inactive tab, the visual bell is just useless. 3. system notification This is better. It can take multiple actions for one bell, and the effects may last longer. It even could provide some context information in the popup message for where the bell comes from. I think choosing it as the default(since it is the only choice) in KDE4 kosole is really a good idea. 4. "icon bell" I mean the feature in KDE3 konsole that when a bell is emitted, the icon of the corresponding tab is changed. It provides good context information, especially for bell in inactive tab. I like this lost feature. Well, what should we do ? The codes for beep and visual bell are still there and seems still working. They are just never used. My current idea is to add a new option for bell in profile, but don't provide GUI elements for configuring that option. So we make it a hidden option. That will hide the complexity of choice for average users and keep the interface clean, but still allows power users to choose their favorites. Any idea? Regards Jekyll -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/ iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJPPRmYAAoJEOemZ9znWXlAAywP/i3Vcp3vMbHZdTQt0BzeUeKi 5O8X5bC0N9VQGwa/qnALeccu0a2aiyTmk15ViayVvOHFhIyruMP3IZ3SDYMFgbvL b1sxw5f8uz5tzNpRkq7a6WcnhzIFN0Sd2si+H7qMxCPf6QAte3trs1OThTCmk4OF 7C+JpxaiC3OgZTboMTyynBaXvHVJtJl0EJQLL5h1CEHqwxygMsqlK5IKHAxRH6Jf sBxYswy+nAWJZgTaDZQ/aTQnJYFZriGbwun3pk7/LGLLoqpLBsM/W/uu825njgMT dpfoPlRJfc1AtRdlgoDsn8RcA1qlrmoca1SCjqc0gEIAH80g+5fhoJhP76n7kLfq sRCkgqhec1fRtEriyddTUTr7wSU1z3fh/Sx9rk6rggizVXh7B+LMqk06hhgJS1FV ZtgvhagCbswkhrveMTDUIo+gox2pdGZ7Srie404BW3acK2P/M5Sx9OvIiBLshsZN S8T8DIf6eKus/3oOTCI0TVU/xvryp+xYVoNNxtdT60AHkySlFVWfitBX9sBZKWUe Z2AgzEw1gtK5RE8rp6IozbAn4baWAobs0nCvKo/1nHLBbjMxZrk3XCQge7BZTxCt MDLTQpHk3/0iy3bKQsV00+TFevyaJNPdMNCckK3WzlQ3wTLJgs31XKDMtWT3syaZ VkeXsdv+kUOhmuF89K3y =ve1l -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ konsole-devel mailing list konsole-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/konsole-devel